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College-level writing preparedness matters

Fast Facts:
graduating Seniors

lack the most
basic writing skills
100 %
are "adequately" ready
for collegiate writing
100 %
need remedial writing
help in college
100 %
are considered
proficient writers
100 %

What the numbers mean:

Bibliographic info below

Even at most of the rigorous, private, secondary institutions, the craft of writing is not a focal point in English classes.  Most students are taught the basics of a 5-paragraph essay, mechanics, and grammar.  The problem is that composition is a skill honed over time.   It is a process not completed in a vacuum, where the writer and teacher are equally engaged in a back-and-forth process to improve every step of the way.  Every word is seen as an opportunity to grow and improve skills.  Advanced mechanics, grammar, syntax, formatting, thesis statements, citations, bibliographies, and critical analysis simply aren’t taught in a way that prepares students for college.   One of the biggest issues high school writers face is an inability to synthesize information. These problems are cumulative, rooted in curriculum, and are systemic.   

Experts agree that writing ability has markedly declined over the past several decades because of curriculum problems.  This downturn means that today’s high school students are largely unprepared to pen a cogent admissions essay, and, worse, they are not ready for the rigors of collegiate composition once they matriculate.  

Frequent access to high school guidance counselors is strongly associated with matriculating and completing college because counselors can help students spot writing deficiencies and address them before it’s too late.  So, what’s the problem?  In America, the current ratio of high school students to on-staff guidance counselors is 482:1.

While BrightMind Writers are usually approached for the immediate need of crafting a compelling admissions essay, students and caregivers should also focus on the long-term goal of mastering the standards needed upon high school graduation so they can to succeed in college. 

More data:

  • A survey of 511 colleges and universities revealed that 96% of incoming students needed remedial writing courses before they could meet the entry-level expectations of “a full load of college-level, credit-bearing courses” (Butrymowicz 2015).
  • The cost of remediation is estimated to be a staggering $7 billion dollars annually (Butrymowicz 2015).
  • 25% of students that registered for remedial English courses at 4-year institutions never finish (Butrymowicz 2015).
  • None of the U.S. states are near closing the gap between current high school graduation requirements, which should function as “a meaningful college-career-starting standard” (Steiner 2017). 
  • Incoming college students who enter and complete writing remediation are estimated to take between, “six months and 11 months longer than their” non-remediation peers (Marcus 2017).  
  • Remediation carries an education cost of between “$3,000 to $12,000 more than if they’d arrived ready for college-level work” (Marcus 2017).
  • An analysis of data from all 50 states shows “misalignment between the coursework necessary to receive a high school diploma and to be eligible for college admissions” (Jiminez 2018).
  1. Finn, Jr., Chester E, former Assistant United States Secretary of Education, Department of Research and Improvement.  “The Fog of “College Readiness”.”  March 2017.  Thomas B. Fordham Foundation.  
  2. Butrymowicz, Sarah.  “Most Colleges Admit Many Students Unprepared For Higher Education.” January 2017.  The Hechinger Report.  
  3. “Students Are Unprepared For College-Level Writing.  March 2022.  Demme Learning.  
  4. Goldstein, Dana.  “Why Kids Can’t Write.”  August 2017.  The New York Times.  
  5. Osborn, PhD, Susan.  “Why Kids Can’t Write:  Good Writing Skills Are Essential To Learning And Professional Success.”  n.d.  The Writing Center of Princeton.  
  6. Camera, Lauren.  “High School Seniors Aren’t College-Ready, NAEP Data Show.”  April 2016.  U.S. News & World Report.
  7. “The NAEP Writing Achievement Levels.”  August 2020.  The National Center for Education Statistics.  https://nces.ed.gov
  8. Steiner, PhD, David.  “At More than 200 Campuses, More Than Half of Incoming Students Must Take Remedial Courses.”  January 2017.  Johns Hopkins University Institute for Education Policy.
  9. Marcus, Jon.  “A solution as obvious as it is rare: Making high school graduates ready for college.  A few states have started intervening in high school to help avoid remediation.”  August 2016.  The Hechinger Report.  
  10. Ostashevsky, Luba.  “Many who pass state high school graduation tests show up to college unprepared.  So, what do the exams, now being conducted in classrooms nationwide, actually measure?”  February 2016.  The Hechinger Report.  
  11. “Why are students coming into college poorly prepared to write?”  October 2018.  The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University.
  12. Pierce, Emily.  “Private School vs. Public School: Parents have much to consider, from test scores and class sizes to diversity and costs.”  September 2021.  U.S. News & World Report.  
  13. Graham, PhD., Steve.  “Changing How Writing is Taught.”  May 2019.  American Educational Research Association. 
  14. Barrington, Kate.  “New Study Confirms That Private Schools Are No Better Than Public Schools.”  September 2022.  Public School Review.
  15. Fanetti, Susan, Bushrow, Kathy M., and DeWeese, David, L.  “Closing the Gap between High School Writing Instruction and College Writing Expectations.”  March 2010.  The English Journal, Vol 99, No 4.
  16. Chen, Grace.  “Are High School Graduates Ready for College?  Studies Are Dismal.” February 2022.  Public School Review.
  17. Jiminez, Laura and Sargrad, Scott.  “Are High School Diplomas Really a Ticket To College and Work? An Audit of State High School Graduation Requirements.”  April 2018.  The Center for American Progress.
  18. Culp, Paul, MA (Oxon.), CFT, GCDF, CCSP.  “Remedial Nation: The Ghastly State of College Preparedness.”  January 2019.  The Coaching Educator.
  19. The National Association of College Admissions Counseling.  “State-by-state student to counselor ratio, report 2.”  October 2022.
  20. Dickler, Jessica.  “Why this college counselor has 100% placement rate.”  March 2019.  CNBC News, an NBCUniversal News Group Company.